Marketing for IFAs

Marketing your branded Newsletters

marketing your branded newsletters

Each quarter your branded newsletter will have been sent to you and added to your website. As always your website will be updated with current financial news stories using RSS feeds of your choice.

But are you making the most from your branded newsletters? Is your firm's digital publishing part of your marketing plan?

How do I subscribe to regular newsletters and brochures?

Just drop us a line or call and we'll add you to the list. The brochures and newsletters are free and come branded with your company details and regulatory statement.

How are brochures added to my website?

We do all that for you. We'll create a page on your website, with teaser text and an attractive image to make your content engaging (if you haven't got a newsletter page) and place a link to the PDF on that page.

Email to your clients

You'll receive a beautifully designed PDF version of the report (A4), branded to your firm, which you may also wish to email out to your clients. We recommend using Mailchimp where you can send out tailored and stunning marketing articles and promotions to customised client lists. If you need any help with Mailchimp just contact us and we'll help you set up your own account. We often use Mailchimp for our own marketing campaigns, it's free and easy to use.

It's good marketing practice to have your newsltters ready to go, so we advise you do this in advance. All you need to do is add the link to your brochure (with an image which we'll provide in advance) for your current brochure PDF and despatch it.


All your newsletters are availbale in print quality (you must ask), this means you can send it to your local printer for hard copies (if you wish). It's a good way to keep in touch with your clients. perhaps sending a copy in the post to clients with a personalised letter, it helps to keep them mindful of you and your company.

Social Media

You can always share with your clients on social media, many as you know will be on Linkedin and or Twitter.